Thursday, March 5, 2020

Renee 10: Time

As I'm writing this at 9pm the night this blog is due, I thought I'd share some things that have been on my mind:

These past several weeks I've been struggling with the fact that I feel there is not enough time in the day. I know this is a common complaint about those with busy schedules, but I truly don't understand how anyone is supposed to get all their work done, while balancing doing things purely for YOU and still enjoying life, when almost no activities allow you to live in the moment. I have been getting a lot of anxiety around feeling rushed all the time, whether that's getting up and ready for school, or feeling like I have to wrap up visiting with friends or family before it gets "too late." I just wish life wasn't filled with a bunch of due dates and time constraints. 

This is why I sometimes prioritize seeing friends or family over doing homework or studying an extra hour for a test. Life is truly too short to focus solely on something that in the end brings temporary, extrinsic rewards. I know that family and friends are forever, and I will always give my time to them. I am not disregarding the importance of school, because obviously learning is forever as well, but there are just certain points in life where you need to choose where to put your time and effort, and I'd rather be with the people I love, while "suffering" a half a letter grade lower than usual. Maybe, that isn't the right mindset for a junior in high school, but I think it's important to keep things regarding the school in perspective. Yes, obviously it is important to get homework done and get the grades you need to do well for your future, but there is so much more to life than just that.

Image result for time images

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. This has been a big shift for me as well because I used to always have school as my top priority, but this year I realized that this just wasn't enjoyable to me. I wasn't very happy with devoting all my time towards school when I could be enjoying my childhood. I've found life to be a lot more enjoyable when I've devoted more time to connecting with others rather than just worrying so much about the difference of an A+ and an A-.
