Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Alanna, 1; My Sister and I Got Along: A Memoir

Recently we had the volleyball banquet that we hold at the end of every season. During this, the coach gives a speech about the season, each of the seniors, etc. Normally, during the season, the seniors each pick an underclassman to write a letter to them to read on senior night. Despite the love-hate relationship with my sister, she, surprisingly, picked me to write hers.

Some background on my sister and I’s relationship: we fight, A LOT, we argue, A LOT, we almost never get along, but when we do, it’s pretty great. This year we were not allowed to read our letters on senior night due to new rules made by the athletic director. Because of this, our coach asked us to read them at the banquet. To be completely honest, I haven't thought much into my sister leaving for college because I did not think I would be affected by it. Oh, how I was SO wrong. Just while just writing that letter to her, I started crying. Not going to lie, that threw me off guard because I did NOT expect to miss her. Besides the point, I had to read this letter at the banquet, in front of everyone, and try my hardest not to cry. My goal of this letter was to get my sister to cry though, and I followed through. From this experience, I learned that I will, in fact, actually miss Sabrina and I have no clue how I will live as an only child. Never will I admit to her any of this but Sabrina, don't leave me. :(


  1. Aw Alanna, this is so sweet. You should show it to her.

  2. This is so so sweet! I agree with MeiLi, you should show it to her. Coming from the other end being the older sister, I would love if my sister did something like this and showed me. She will love it!

  3. I really loved this story Alanna. It fully depicts that despite the fighting, name calling, annoying things siblings do to each other they always have one another's back. Your sister is so lucky to have someone like you in her life.

  4. As an eldest sibling, I understand that love-hate dynamic with your younger siblings. I think this story goes to show that, through the messy day-to-day of growing up with siblings, we all have a special place in our hearts for them and it will show itself in the moments that count.

  5. My brother and I argue a lot too, and he always says he can’t wait for me to go to college. I respond by telling him he’ll miss me when I am gone, and he never believes me. I might mention your story next time we start arguing about this again.
