Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ryan 1: My Job

I started working at a food restaurant called Petey's Eatys towards the end of last year. I decided to get the job because I was tired of begging my parents for money every weekend, I wanted to be more independent. One of my friends also showed me his hoodie with the companies logo on the back. I was immediately convinced to apply because the logo was so cool. I'm happy I did even though it has been hard to juggle work, school, and soccer all at once. It's worth it for the money so i'm still working there today.

It's not a corporation job so my manager isn't as strict, for example our uniform is a t-shirt, optional to wear. I used to work with two of my friends and mess around to pass the time, but then they graduated and quit. It wasn't that bad though because the restaurant is between my old school, Pen Argyl, and Nazareth. Therefore I work with people and students from both school districts that I know. We recently hired some new people and one of them was a kid I knew from Pen Argyl which relieved me. Petey's Eatys is most popular for our cheese steaks, sadly my first ever cheese steak came out terribly and my friend who ordered it made that very clear to me.

So far working at this place has been fun and rewarding. Working during high school has taught me to schedule better than ever. Before I started, I was a very picky eater. Now i'd say I've expanded my taste buds to new foods, which is definitely the best benefit. Eating.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure having a cool logo is really the most important factor to consider when you're choosing a job LOL. But I'm glad it worked out for you anyhow.

    Also, this is kind of off topic from your post, but I didn't realize you went to Pen Argyl before! I find myself wondering if you experienced a huge culture shift going from such a small school to a relatively big one.
