Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Liz 1: My debate on mermaid reproduction

A couple weeks ago, a coworker and I had a really interesting discussion about mermaids. Specifically, their reproductive system. I know that probably sounds crazy, but we spent about an hour comparing the placement and practically of reproductive organs in fish and humans to try and come up with an idea on how mermaids are born. We even searched on google because there was no way we were the only ones with this question. After some time, we came up with a conclusion that seemed to satisfy both of us.

So, do mermaids have the reproductive organs of fish or humans? If you think about it logically, the only part of the mermaid that is actually fish is their tails; a fish’s reproductive system is not located in its tail. However, a human’s reproductive system is located below their waist. If you look at drawings of mermaids, it can be hard to tell whether or not their tails start before or after the location of human reproductive organs. This is actually when we turned to the internet, because we really couldn’t figure it out. We stumbled across this picture of the anatomy of a mermaid: 

As you can see, this artist concluded that Mermaids are born like humans, and I was pretty satisfied with that. My coworker still brings it up, so maybe he didn’t agree with the conclusion we came up with.


  1. That's actually really interesting. I did some research of my own, and mermaids tails' traditionally started much lower on the body, so they had obvious female genitalia that they could use to get pregnant and give birth. I just want to know who felt the need to sit down and draw that diagram of Mermaid anatomy.

  2. I wish I had more conversations as interesting as this one. Even though a debate such as this seems useless it is mentally stimulating. Though, this leaves me to wondering about the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems of a mermaid.
