Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sydney Week #1 Championships

This Saturday the Marching Band went to compete at championships at the Hershey Park Stadium. Competing at championships turned out to be an amazing and fun experience, and we were even able to win with a score of 96.1! Joining marching band has taught me so much and has filled my life with joy and laughter. 

Throughout this season I have learned many forms of discipline. Whether it’s pushing through practice after school, homework, dance, and then getting little to no sleep that night, or having to stare right at the sun during warm ups. Even though it was difficult, I kept at it, and still had fun doing it.

Now I know that none of this sounds like it would be enjoyable, and it might even sound torturous to some, but I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. I got to spend most everyday with some of my favorite people, and we got to laugh, complain, and just have fun with each other. 

One of the craziest parts of my whole experience with marching band is that I almost didn’t join. Instead of thinking it through, I mostly joined on a whim to try it out because why not. If I hadn’t joined I would have missed out on so many incredible memories and friendships that I would have never gained if I hadn’t joined. It has changed my view on a lot of things, and has made me more adventurous because I’ll never know if I like something if I don’t try it for myself.


  1. Marching Band is such a special experience. I'm glad you had the opportunity to do it. The friends you have there and the work you do together, will forever be a part of who you are.
