Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Emma I: Lost Ice Cream Cake

At around 8 o’clock customers started pouring in. I was able to handle it at first, quickly giving everyone their ice cream and checking them out. I asked the woman next in line what I could do for her, and she said she was there to pick up a cake. 

I hate when a lot of customers are in line and someone wants to order a cake because it takes 5-10 minutes to finish decorating it, fold the cake box, and put it in the box without smearing the decorations.

I walked to the front display case and bent down to pick up the cake that the woman had ordered. However, she said that none of them were the cake she ordered. This already stressed me out due to the long line of people waiting for me to help them. 

I searched through the various boxes of previous cake orders, trying to figure out if the order was never taken or if someone just never made the cake. Eventually, I gave up and decided that I should just call my boss and tell her the cake was not here. I called my boss, and she told me to apologize to the customer, and give her a cake that was already made. My boss texted my work group chat and asked what had happened with that cake and why it was not made. 

I took the cake the woman wanted to the back room and wrote ‘Happy Birthday’ on it. She paid for the cake and was very understanding. I think she felt bad because of how much time it was taking for me to get the missing cake ordeal situated. 

Once the woman had left and I had taken care of all the waiting customers, I checked my work group chat to see what had happened. I found out that there wasn’t enough room for the woman’s cake in the front display case, so the girl working earlier had put it in the freezer in the back room. I didn’t check it or even think about checking it because the cakes I’ve helped people buy have always been in the front display case. 

My boss made me call the woman and apologize for not looking in the back freezer, but she didn’t even pick up the phone. Moral of the story: I’ll be looking in the back and front freezer for cakes from now on. 


  1. Oh my gosh! I used to work there and I had this little old man come in and something similar had happened and I felt so bad :(

  2. Oh no! I work in a diner so I totally understand what a situation like this can feel like. I'm glad the woman was understanding though. It really sucks when customers get mad at you, especially when it's just a misunderstanding.

  3. This is SO stressful! I understand your pain but don't think too much into it, I'm sure it wasn't as big of a deal to the lady as you imagined. It wasn't your fault:)

  4. That feeling is the worst. I'm glad the customer wasn't difficult, I know how hard it is to remain calm and professional when a customer is testing you. It's even worse getting yelled at for something that's not even your fault. I'm glad it worked out.
