Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mackenna 1: Painting the house

So a couple weeks ago my mother and I sought out a painter because we’ve been wanting to get some rooms painted for a while now. The woman came earlier last week to help us pick colors for the rooms. Since my mother loves cool tones, all the colors are shades of blue, green, and grey.

This week, the painter visited us again to show us the samples of all the paints. The moment I saw them, I hated it. All of them. They were all too dark for the room, considering the fact that the goal of repainting the room was to brighten it up, not make it any darker than it already was. Therefore, we plan on inviting the painter back later in the week to discuss some lighter options for painting. 

As for our ideas, we want to take out the accent wall in the family room and have a solid color, probably a light grey, in that room. We want that color to follow through to the kitchen and the powder room. We also want to redo the living room, which is currently a green shade, to either a lighter green shade or perhaps the same color we have in the dining room (which is a light blue). As for my room, I want to paint it light grey so we can add other colors through the comforter and bed sheets. My sister, however, wants to paint it bright teal or have every wall a different bright color, which sounds like the end of the world in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Mackenna, please fix your formatting so your blog is readable.
