Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Liam Week 1 - Time

Time waits for no one - sooner or later, the last speck of sand falls from the hourglass that is our day, week, or even life. With such a limited amount of time, it would seem that there would be an exact definition of time well spent. However, every individual has their own idea of time. For some, any time spent working is time well spent. Others relish any time they spend doing nothing productive. I prefer a mixture of both. 

Time management is how we allow time for work and time for pleasure. Some people are better at managing time than others. Successful time managers can find time to complete all of the pressing matters of life and have fun. I find time management to be annoying. I always struggle to manage time effectively, especially when working around activities like marching band. Usually, I end up taking away time from sleep.

Utilizing time well can contribute to a good life. Few people actually master the art of time management early in life. Many people never achieve a high level of time management. There are many strategies to improve time management skills, such as doing the easiest tasks first and setting a schedule. I rarely do these which is detrimental to my time management. I struggle with time management even as I write this post. Distractions pop up everywhere and time is lost easily. All of the sudden I sit down to work and it is well into the evening. Unfortunately, lost time is never gained back, leading to downward spirals in almost every aspect of life.

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