Tuesday, April 14, 2020

13/Schema Builder #2- Julie: Listening to Music - Barbershop

On one of my many sleepless nights, I was watching Youtube and fell into the depths of the different kinds of music that are available for public consumption. First, going from Broadway songs of shows I have never heard of to random a cappella groups, I eventually stumbled upon the amazing world of Barbershop music. Before this experience, I knew of the Barbershop style, but I have never seen a professional performance. Once I did, I was absolutely blown out of my mind by how fascinating it is. 

Though Barbershop is a specific style, each group and their individual members all have their own personality that enthralls any audience (and me). The four members work together to perform music that resonates and makes the piece sound beyond beautiful. During their performance, the quartet not only sings, but they act, dance, and interact with the audience and judges (if there are any), so instead of just listening to the music you can watch how the group interacts with the piece. Also, in my opinion, make the music a bit more fun.

While listening you can find a wide variety of songs available in the Barbershop style. There are the original barbershop songs, which created the genre, but then you can find versions of popular songs throughout the ages and parodies that the quartet groups created. So far, I love listening to all the different groups and the unique ways they present their music. As of now, I like to specifically watch and listen to the groups called: Instant Classic, The Newfangled Four, Signature, and Main Street(pictured below).

Coming upon this type of music has opened a new way for me to experience music, and I quite enjoy it. Listening to this type of music is very relaxing and allows for a good laugh when it comes to parody songs. This find just shows one of the many ways people can enjoy the different ways music can be performed. I recommend going out of your comfort zone when it comes to music because you never know what you actually might like. I know now that if I ever want to listen to something a bit different I can always look for some good old fashioned barbershop, and know that I will enjoy the music.
The Barbershop Group Know as Main Street

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