Monday, April 13, 2020

Nigohosian Schema Builder 2

In my quarantine generated boredom, I had no idea what to do. I was just so tired of doing the same things in hopes of keeping myself entertained. On a whim, I decided that I would try making food for a change. I wanted to make something relatively simple that did not require many ingredients, as I had no idea what we had on hand with limited shopping orders. After compiling a list of all of the ingredients that we had, I decided on making guacamole after a bit of research. I ended up finding a recipe online, just modifying it a little bit. It didn’t seem too complicated to make so I decided to give it a try. 
To make it I just needed three avocadoes, two jalapeƱos, half of a tomato and onion, some lime juice, cilantro, and salt. It didn’t really take long to make, I just had to cut up some of the ingredients and just mix them together in a large bowl while seasoning to taste. The final result ended up being pretty good, with everyone enjoying it. It was a nice experience being able to make something that I could enjoy and share with others. I would maybe try to do this more often, but it might be a challenge with a shortage of ingredients due to the current circumstances. Maybe in the future, I can find new recipes to try and make, but for now, this may be all that I can do.
Best Guacamole Recipe! - Jessica Gavin

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