Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Schema Builder 2: Renee, Current Quarantine Complaint

Although boredom is (fortunately) still the most pressing issue in my life currently, something new that's been bothering me I realized, is that this pandemic is taking place right in the middle of my favorite time of year. Yes, we can take walks and spend time outside, but the whole situation is putting a serious damper on what I'm usually most looking forward to. I want to see my friends more than anything, especially now that the weather is nice and there is much more daylight. Of course, as soon as we are getting out of the annual seasonal depression from the winter, we're in a pandemic (hooray!) I'm just hoping that it ends or slows down sometime in May so I still get the last of the spring season.

Something positive however that came out today, however, is that prom is not canceled rather postponed until mid-July. I'm so grateful that it's not canceled in general even though I'm not sure how doing makeup along with pictures in the blazing heat will go, but we'll find out. It's way better than canceling all together because I think all of us that are going will need that after social isolation. I am also extremely upset at the news that we won't be returning to school. I thoroughly enjoyed my junior year and wasn't ready for it to be over. I feel even worse for the seniors in that regard, as well as the uncertainty graduation holds.

I hope everyone is staying safe and has been going outside for the spring weather but is practicing social distancing so that we can see our friends even sooner. If anyone has any ideas on how to fully embrace the warm weather to come in unique ways, let me know. It's really hard to be happy when we're in such a dark time. I think we all are itching to go do things; even those of us who are usually home-bodies. We are not meant to be alone or with the same people all hours of the day, every day; so matter someone's situation, we are all being affected by the pandemic in our own way.

Stay safe!

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