Monday, April 13, 2020

Schema Builder 2; Alanna

Something other to do;):

       Recently, I have taken up exercise during this quarantine. Before the virus, I worked out and went to the gym but it is different. I started trying new things that weren't just cardio and weight lifting. I did a dance video, yoga, and even pilates. I focused so much on the health/weight loss aspect of working out that I didn't realize it could be fun and calming. The quarantine has opened my eyes to become more open-minded. I was always a person who would pick one thing, stick to that, and just do it 24/7. I was MISERABLE. I never thought I could get the same workout from running 3 miles as to doing one dance routine (I do look a little stupid doing it though).
       I did not want to use this time at home to sit and do nothing. Most of my day is sitting and doing pointless things because I obviously cannot work out all day, but the one hour of it changes everything. I feel accomplished, relaxed, and healthier. I didn't get this chance while we went to school. I would start my day at 6, sleep-deprived, sit for 7 hours, go to practice, and then go home and have ZERO energy to workout. So although this quarantine isn't happening for the right reasons I decided to make some good come out of it. ( Also found out yoga is NOT my thing, and I am way not zen enough for it)

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