Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Sydney Schema Builder #2: Walks

Walks are very underrated. Before this mess started I really didn’t go on many walks. I got all the exercise I needed from dance, marching band, and personal fitness. Not to mention I didn’t really have time to walk even if I wanted to. Now that I’ve had the time, it’s been really nice to just walk around with my dog.

Not only are walks great for physical health, but they’re also just very relaxing. I enjoy being able to just be by myself for a little while and listening to music. I also get to see a lot of the kind people in my neighborhood who just smile and wave.

Although I love taking my dog Ivan with me on these walks, he is also quite the trouble maker. He is both famous and infamous in my neighborhood. All of my neighbors absolutely love him and many will call him over to give him treats, or they’ll even ask if they can walk him. Everyone in the neighborhood knows him as a happy and friendly dog, and everyone is always happy to see him.

On the other hand, the dogs of the neighborhood can’t stand him. For whatever reason most of the dogs will just start barking nonstop until he is gone. The dog across the street has an especially bad rivalry with him as both of them will sprint to the others yard and pee just to make the other dog mad (don’t worry both us and our neighbors think it’s really funny).

The only real downside of taking Ivan on these walks is that he really likes to mark his territory everywhere. This means that if I say that I’m taking him for a walk before I let him do his business he will refuse to go until we actually start walking. This is very frustrating because I really don’t enjoy walking around and needing to stop every 2 mins to let him do his thing.

Even though he makes things more difficult, I love having my walking buddy around. He makes it much more enjoyable and fun. I also highly suggest that everyone goes on some walks (preferably when less people are out) because they really make quarantine a lot more tolerable.

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