Monday, April 13, 2020

Schema Builder #2: Conquering my Fears

I have a legitimate fear of making decisions (yes, you read that right). I'm such a laid-back, easy-going person that I simply just avoid making decisions at all costs. The reason for this is mainly because I hate the idea of hurting others because of stupid decisions I make, which I have made plenty of in the past. Also, I don't want to make a bad decision because I know it will affect me later. Anyway, I decided (yes, I actually decided on something) to experiment with this problem and make a difficult decision every day for a week. These were the results:

Day 1:
I made the decision to do this. Which was actually really hard. I contemplated over it all day, but then I remembered that I need to do a schema builder for this class so then I just kind of forced myself into this whole mess.

Day 2:
I finally picked a painting for my room! My mom has been bothering me about it for months and I finally decided on it. It's a giant waterfall that's going right across from my bed where I can see it, and it's absolutely beautiful. I have no regrets.

Day 3:
I picked out the plants we're planting in the garden for this spring. We have green beans, tomatoes, and squash to name a few. In terms of flowers, we're also doing marigolds, zinnias, and carnations. They've already sprouted and I'm really excited to see them grow.

Day 4:
I helped my mom pick out the new pillows for our couch because it originally came with pillows that we didn't like. So we picked some blue and grey ones that match our light grey couch perfectly. We also decided on a new painting to put above the fireplace as well as a new coffee table. It's really nice to see the whole room come together.

Day 5:
I made the decision to actually ride my bike for once, even though I'm a little too short for it and I can barely get on it. On the plus side, I actually had a lot of fun. My sister and I went to this small little area by a creek and we picked flowers.

Day 6:
I decided on the dishes we would make for Easter. My family and I had a "porch Easter", where we dropped off different foods we made for each other on each porch. We made mac and cheese, along with these cute little Easter egg nests made from rice crispies, coconut flakes, and chocolate eggs.

Day 7:
I made the toughest decision of all, which was trying out for drum major. I was unsure about it because drum major tryouts can get pretty intense and some people take it very seriously, to the point where it gets really competitive. Even so, I'm just trying out for fun and I think it will be a good experience.

All in all, this was probably one of the toughest weeks I've had in a while, but I learned a lot from it. I've discovered that making decisions isn't always about the future. Sometimes it's better to think in the moment. Also, I feel as though decision-making is an important life skill and we should all work harder to become better at it. Our decisions are what alter the course of our life, and a lot of times it's the small ones that make the biggest difference. You may think that a decision may result in a bad experience, but we end up learning from those events at the end of the day. I've learned that decisions are their outcomes are apart of life, no matter what the cost. It's important that we can learn from them and live happier, more successful lives.

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