Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Schema Builder 2: Fishing

With quarantine keeping me away from my friends and other activities I usually do. I have found myself with a lot of free time. So my dad and I have been going fishing a lot more this year than any other. Since we have been cooped up in our house for a while it's a nice excuse to get outside. I happen to really enjoy fishing too. It's an activity that I normally don't get to do because of school and sports on the weekend. Since the corona virus stopped both of those things I'm able to fish in peace.

I don't think fishing is very popular nowadays, but I think its very relaxing. The sound of the water and birds chirping creates a peaceful environment. Even if we don't catch anything i'm still happy because fishing is therapeutic. On the other hand though hooking a fish is exciting and you feel satisfied if you catch it. So it's a win win activity I like to say. Sometimes we wake up early and go out so that we can fish alone which is my favorite. We usually catch and see only trout, but rarely well find a bigger fish called a palomino which is a larger golden fish. We saw one the other day it was about 24 inches long, sadly it wasn't hungry.

The season just started a few days ago so i'm excited to keep going out through the spring. Also my friends and I are planning on going out soon which is going to be fun. I think fishing is a great quarantine activity because you can find fishing holes that no one really goes to. So you will still be practicing social distancing. It's important to get out and get some sunlight so activities like these are very helpful during these times.

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