Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Schema Builder 1: Watching home videos from the past

I've spent this past week digging through boxes in the attic in order to find a bunch of our old videos. I've always wanted to get through all of them, but I've never had enough time. However, I now have all the time in the world thanks to quarantining!

To be honest, I have never laughed and cried so hard in my life. Watching these has made me do a lot of reflecting and questioning. It's opened my eyes to what life was like between my parents and all of the moments in time I don't remember. For example, I had the opportunity to watch clips from my parents' wedding (yes, I actually found those). Just watching it made me realize how much I didn't know about my parents and that day in general. My dad had to explain to me how difficult the wedding was because he and my mom were fighting the night before they were supposed to exchange vows. Looking back, however, he commented that the fight was something insignificant that they made a huge deal out of. My parents agreed that it was nerves that truly made that day as miserable as it was for them, but overall it seemed like they had a good time. 

I also got to watch videos from my early childhood. Some of the moments brought back many vivid memories that I wish I had remembered early on. One of the videos was Thanksgiving at my grandparents' house in 2006, which I didn't remember at all until watching this video. At this point in time, I was three years old and we had just become a family of five. My younger brother, Everett, had been born four days prior to Thanksgiving that year. Because of watching this moment, I can remember having dinner at the big dining room table at my grandparents' old house in Long Island, and I remember holding my younger brother on this big brown leather chair that sat in the corner of the living room. It's crazy how many moments in life we fail to remember! 

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