Monday, January 6, 2020

Connor 6: Java Joint

I am only going to reference my working experience a little bit this time, so don’t worry this isn’t a Dunkin part 3. I’m saving that for a future date. For this blog, I want to discuss my first business adventure and the thing that set me on the path of entrepreneurship that I’m on today. For those of you who don’t know, the Library has a small coffee shop in it called, Java Joint, which is open all day. Last year, I joined it because I loved coffee and had an interest in seeing what running it would be like. I then decided to run to be the head of the coffee shop and got it. This year, I have been in charge of it and I’ve loved every second of it.
My first job was at a business that had just opened and was run by two people who have never run a business before. Seeing how much of a disaster that was and how easy it would have been to fix if someone more qualified was in charge, I learned that I had a knack for business. I then took a business management class, joined FBLA, and was running the coffee shop because I had decided that I wanted to run a coffee shop as my lifelong career.
I am 100% biased, but for a High School Library coffee shop, that started off as a Keurig in the back office, Java Joint is a major success. Am I using this blog as a platform for shameless advertising? Yes. Do I feel bad for doing so? No. The cafeteria has become a source of competition for us, so my team and I are on high alert marketing mode.
Currently, we sell a variety of hot and iced beverages as well as snacks and merchandise. As the top person in charge (besides the librarians, but at this point, it’s a ‘ask for forgiveness, not permission’ kind of situation. I have issues.)  I’ll give you guys a sneak peek of what’s soon to come. For this month, I am currently planning a mural to be painted above the menu board. I am hoping for it to be a tree with handprint leaves of this year's Java Joint employees, so keep an eye out for that. Next, we are hoping to get a new line of merchandise, with different colored t-shirts with a new logo, and maybe even sweatshirts. We are also looking into new flavors, and have been considering some berry flavors for the iced tea, but are open to suggestions. We currently have caramel, hazelnut, french vanilla, pumpkin spice, peppermint, and mocha. We will also soon be offering a punch rewards card, where after 9 beverages you get the 10th free. I designed them myself and I have to say I am quite proud of them. We also are emphasizing a policy where if you bring your own mug, all hot beverages receive a 50 cent discount. (Iced and Specialty beverages excluded)
All proceeds from sales go directly into the Library’s bank account where it goes back to the student body in the form of books, musical instruments, puzzles, games, craft materials, new additions to Java Joint, video game tournaments, Fandom Fridays, Makerspace Mondays, Book Club, etc. Nearly everything the library provides is funded by Java Joint sales, so supporting it is really like supporting your library, which in the long run supports yourself.
A Java Joint blog was bound to happen eventually, I am actually surprised it took this long. To sum it all up, your high school library has an awesome little coffee shop and if you ever need a quick snack or a drink to pick you up, you should consider supporting it.


  1. I loved reading this and love going to Java Joint during my study halls. I watched it get bigger and more popular, as well as new flavors coming out, etc. You've done a great job!

  2. Last year I would get coffee from the Java Joint all the time, and it was really convenient to be able to drink iced coffee without having to go out of my way to visit Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. It's good that you're able to have experience running a business for college or your future career.
