Monday, January 6, 2020

Stephan 6: Trying New Experiences and Taking Opportunities

Over the weekend, my friend had suggested that I try one of her odd ice cream combinations. It was a mixture of cotton candy ice cream and mint chocolate chip ice cream from Friendly’s. It was not really my favorite, as it was a weird blend of textures and tastes, with Pop Rocks and chocolate chips all mixed together. Even though I didn’t really enjoy it, the most important thing was that I did was try it. Now granted it was a rather small thing to do; I only tried a new food combination that I did not enjoy, but what it represents is bigger than that. Trying new things in life is extremely important, as it can open you up to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas that you may never have thought possible.

One example of this was an experience I had in Jamaica. While we were there, we had gone cliff jumping. I figured that I would not really enjoy it at all, as I was never really a fan of jumping from heights. At first, I was a bit apprehensive, as the cliffs were 30 feet tall, but I soon found out that it would have been a mistake if I didn’t. It was just an extremely fun thing to experience, the rush I got and the feeling of being weightless was really cool. if I had never taken that chance, I would have missed out on a great experience.

Trying new things is not just limited to thrilling tasks though. It’s important to go out and experience everything that comes your way. If you do not, you can miss out on life-changing experiences or chances. One such example of this could be picking colleges. Deciding to not visit a college when you have the chance could be a massive missed opportunity. By not visiting that college, you may never know if you’d enjoy it, maybe even missing out on the chance of going there. This is one example of why you should always explore your options. No matter what, you should at least try something once or take the chance given to you. You will never know what happens until you do.

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  1. This is such a good thing to recognize. So many people go through life afraid to try new things, and they miss so many thrilling moments because of this. It's important to value every small risk, or new thing that you tried, because like you said, even eating weird ice cream flavors can be exhilarating.

  2. I agree that you should experience as much as possible, you don't want to miss out.

  3. New experiences can change the person you are, even the small things. The worst that can happen is that you don't enjoy it, and not do it again (if you can avoid it). From experience, I know going into a situation that is new to you can be really, really scary. I decided that I wanted to go Scout camping in Poland with total strangers and my very rough survival style Polish. Thanks to this new experience my Polish has improved significantly, I learned many new skills, I found my love of camping,and I made new friends. To do all this I had to overcome my fears, allowing me to become a new person. Sometimes it is better to take risks then let fear stop you from becoming a new person.
