Monday, January 6, 2020

Liz 6: New year, New me?

Every new year, the phrase “new year, new me” can be found just about everywhere. And every year, people make resolutions that they usually give up on by mid-January. I’m not ashamed to admit that I am one of those people. However, here I am, January 6, with a list of things I’m trying to do to make my 2020 better than 2019. So far, I’ve been good about keeping up with them, but who knows how long it will last.

One thing I’m kind of ashamed of, however, is the fact that my resolutions are like every other resolution you hear: eat healthier, work out more, try and be more positive, etc. I feel though its stuff I really need to work on. Over the summer, I started eating healthy and honestly I just had more energy and physically felt better. However, once the school year started, all I eat is quick processed snacks and meals, if I even eat at all. With working out, it was the same deal; at the end of last school year, I would work out right when I got home from school almost every day. It made me feel energized, and honestly less insecure about my body. However, when depression hits and you eat really crappy food all the time, it can be hard to find the energy and motivation to work out. Because of these two factors, and all the stress I’ve had recently, it’s been really hard to stay positive. So far this year though, I’ve been choosing healthier food options when I can, and this morning I got up at 5:30 am to work out before school (cause I literally have no other time to do it). I’m really proud of myself, and hopefully, I can keep this up for longer than a couple of weeks.

Image result for 2020"


  1. I can relate to this so much. Once school starts and more stress is added into my life, I eat so much worse than I do in the summer. Waking up that early in itself is really hard, so you should be proud that you're up that early to workout.

  2. It's interesting because, until someone had mentioned them to me a few days ago, I didn't think about resolutions at all this year. Normally I would come up with something general to adhere to throughout the year, but nothing came to mind when the clock struck midnight December 31st. I guess my point alines with yours in the sense that it's good to keep yourself upbeat and make changes that will help your day-to-day process. I think that's the mindset I'm currently in, and it seems the same for you.

  3. Good luck Liz. I hope you are successful in your resolutions, but I do understand what you mean with the giving up mid January thing. Everyone tries to make themselves better, but everybody gives up on it, every year. I think what everyone needs to do is make small goals, not big goals that are impossible to reach. That may help people be more open to succeeding.
