Monday, January 6, 2020

Kadison 6 - Seasons

People often ask, “What’s your favorite season?” as an icebreaker and always look at me funny when I say I don’t have one. I think all of them have their own unique quirks that make them great in their own way, and I find that trying to choose a favorite season is difficult.

I love the cold. I absolutely love the feeling of snuggling up and get warm underneath a blanket or sitting by the fire and watching TV. I do not function nearly as well when it’s hot out, whether it's in sports or just trying to relax outside. I am one of those people who just runs hot all the time. Even in the winter, my fan is on, I keep the heating vent in my room closed, and my dad and I have an unspoken battle with the thermostat. The winter also usually involves snow, which I love. Not only is it gorgeous, but it can also lead to a two-hour delay or an extra day off from school. Although I love the cold, it can also make me more lethargic. I have a habit of taking naps a lot more in the winter than any other season, which I’ll blame on the constant darkness. I do not appreciate the sun going down at 5:30.

On the flip side, I also love summer. The freedom to hang out with friends all the time and focus on non-school related things is amazing. I am lucky enough to have a pool, and I spend a lot of time swimming in it and getting tanner. I love the sun and the energy it seems to give me. My birthday is also in the summer, which is a huge plus. However, my summer always ends up being pretty packed schedule-wise. There is a lot of pre-season field hockey events and family visits going on. Because of the way my dad’s work schedule falls, we don’t usually take a long vacation in the summer; it’s more of an occasional weekend out of town here and there. This isn’t to say I mind being busy; I would not be happy if I had nothing to do all summer, but the busyness often leads to the summer going by way too fast.

This is a bit of an unpopular opinion, but Halloween is my favorite holiday, trumping even Christmas. I love the spooky atmosphere and all of the cool decorations. I also don’t jumpscare very easily, which leads to me laughing at my friends when we go to Dorney Park’s The Haunt or a haunted house. This is one of the reasons I love autumn. The weather during this season is also my favorite; the crisp smell and the cool breezes feel the best to me. I can practically feel the coolness and change to winter in the air, especially at night. Unfortunately, fall also represents when my “work” picks up. School starts and I don’t have nearly enough time to get things done compared to the summer, and I have to readjust to waking up early and getting less sleep.

If I had to pick a least favorite season, it would probably be spring. I don’t like how wet and muddy it gets, and bugs start coming back, which I definitely don’t like. The end of spring is often stressful with teachers cramming in assignments before finals. However, lacrosse, my favorite sport, occurs during spring which is great. I also admire how beautiful all the trees and flowers look as they regrow, and how green and alive everything is. Spring, like all the seasons, involves change. Without change, who knows where we would be.


  1. I definitely agree with you that it's hard to pick a favorite season. There's awesome things about each one that it's hard to choose which one is the best. It IS easy to pick a least favorite season though lol. My least favorite is definitely winter. The lack of sunlight and the cold makes it really hard for me to feel energized or productive. But to each their own! I understand why people can like winter, cause there are some awesome aspects.

  2. I wish I could agree with spring being the best, but the allergies ruin it all for me. Personally I love the cold, snow, warm fires, and comfy clothes like sweatshirts. Because of this I have the EXTREMELY unpopular opinion of winter being the best. I have tried to like fall, but again with fall comes crazy allergies.

  3. I really like how you're explanation on why you enjoy each season so much. Personally it's always very easy to choose since I'm a very big fan of winter and all the joy and snow it brings, so it was cool to read about why someone else enjoys the rest of the seasons.

  4. I'm one of those people who sleeps with the windows open in the winter. If my room isn't below freezing then we have a problem. I see your point that every season has its perks, but I am very against Summer, Spring, and Winter in every way, and just ok with Fall. Fall has pretty colored trees, Halloween, and is perfect for sweatshirts. Spring is allergies and bugs, Summer is unnecessarily hot, and Winter is cold and wet and gross. I also have seasonal allergies, but to every single season. Surprisingly, I'm gonna have to go negative and say every single season is terrible in pretty much every way.
