Monday, January 6, 2020

Liam 6 Pit Orchestra

Pit Orchestra
     Today marked the first of many pit orchestra rehearsals. Band is my thing. The highlights of my year are marching band in the fall and pit orchestra in the spring. This will be my second year playing with the pit orchestra and I have been waiting for this moment since last year. Pit orchestra, like marching band, resembles a family more than anything else. We all struggle through challenging music together while having a great time. When we finally start working with the cast, we spend more time watching them rehearse and having a good time than we play. Pit is a unique experience because it is part of the show. Being in the pit orchestra has downsides. It is as big, if not bigger some weeks, of a commitment as marching band - not an amazing thing when your academics are less than stellar. Despite grades being important, I foolishly - according to my parents - do activities like pit orchestra. They constantly tell me to focus on academics and that band is only a hobby that won’t get me into college, but the more I think about it, the more I find that I don’t want to devote all of my time to academics, yet I want to major in engineering. So far, Junior year has been a huge struggle between band and academics over the little time I have. Anyway, Pit orchestra is sure to be a great experience in the next few months. If you haven’t heard this years musical is On the Town from 1944.


  1. The experiences you have in band will be with you long after you leave high school. Maybe it's not strictly academic in nature, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hold value. Enjoy it while you can!

  2. Glad it's going well! I've heard the music is really rough, but I know you guys are the finest muscians around. I have no doubt you will put on an amazing performance. I'm definitely looking forward to watching the show!

  3. I have a huge respect for anyone who play in orchestra. I've realized that it is a huge part of any production. In March of last year I went to see one of my favorite singers Ben Folds play with the Philadelphia Orchestra and it was one of the most memorable experience I might ever have. Keep up the good work!
