Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Mackenna 6: New Dinner Plan

This week my family and I decided we wanted to come up with a new plan to organize our dinner schedule better. My parents mutually agreed that the older kids are capable of doing more around the house, so they decided it was our turn to make dinner every night. Therefore, my mom made a separate calendar and we are all now being required to sign up for a day each week to make a meal of our choice. At first, we were up to the challenge because we all love to cook. We play cooking games all the time and it's a lot of fun. However, as for right now, this plan has been a disaster because my sister and I have already had an argument over Taco Tuesday and Fajita Friday being in the same week. On a more positive note, my parents are getting out of making dinner every night, so I suppose this plan has been more beneficial for them than it is for me and my siblings.

The other topic of discussion at the moment is whether or not my brother Beckett is allowed to make gross food for dinner. He claims that since my mom said we can make whatever we want, he is allowed to make grasshopper casserole (yes, this is a thing in his deranged mind). However, my mom claims that Beckett is allowed to make whatever he wants, so we will be having grasshopper casserole on Tuesday.

Believe it or not, my dad completely regrets agreeing to this plan. I made homemade ravioli for dinner last night, and everybody thought it was delicious. Everybody except for my dad, that is. He spit it out immediately and went out to get pizza. He also didn't like my sister's burgers or my other brother's chicken and waffles. He tends to be very opinionated when other people make dinner. Personally, I think this is unfair because he only knows how to make breakfast and barbeque foods.

Although this idea is turning out badly, I'm still hopeful that everything will turn out alright. Even Beckett's grasshopper casserole.


  1. This is such a cool idea that your parents had! I can see how it can create conflict among you and your siblings, but I think that in the end you'll be thankful that your parents taught you this scheduling technique so early on. Now you can be a better meal planner when you have your own family! Good luck, I hope all goes smoothly from here on out!

  2. Making meals that please everyone is challenging. Whenever I make dinner, someone decides they can't eat it.
