Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Sydney Week #6 Christmas and Dogs

 So as many of you know my siblings came back to PA for the holiday season. It was strange at first to have so much commotion in the house again since I’ve grown used to it being pretty quiet with just me and my parents around, but luckily I got used to it quickly. It was also pretty fun to constantly have something to do since there was always one sibling that was itching to do something.

Another great part of having my siblings come was the fact that they brought their dogs Sandy and Haru. We had to set up gates in order to separate where the dogs could and couldn’t go. This however did not last long because Sandy quickly learned how to jump over the gate anytime she became lonely. The only other problem with the dogs was that they were allowed upstairs and unfortunately my family was not very good at hiding our Christmas candy. This lead to two instances of Haru and Sandy eating some chocolate which made them a bit sick for the rest of the trip (they were ok though).

The only real complaint I had about my siblings coming was the fact that I got kicked out of my room. Luckily it was only for a few days and once I got my room back I got frequent visits from Haru and Sandy so I would count that as a win.

Overall, I am very glad that I was able to see my siblings again since I only get to see them for a few weeks a year with them living so far away.

(Left Haru, Middle Ivan, Right Sandy)


  1. AW those dogs are so cute! I am glad you were able to see your siblings over the holiday, I hope you had fun:) My sister wasn't able to come home for the holidays so I did not get to see her but when she does come home I still get my room, so I feel for you.

  2. I can't imagine life without siblings present. The quiet must be nice, but I never have a dull moment.
