Monday, November 25, 2019

Emma 3: Thanksgiving Food

Seeing family and friends and being thankful for everyone and everything in your life is what Thanksgiving is about. However, the food is also a key part of the day. Everyone looks forward to the feast of mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, stuffing, corn, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and many other traditional Thanksgiving foods that are typically reserved for this day.
To me, every Thanksgiving food is worth the year-long wait, except for cranberry sauce. My family has it every year for Thanksgiving, and I just can’t seem to share their enthusiasm for it. They put it on their turkey as a condiment or eat it as a side dish. I’ve tried it both ways and neither of them taste make it taste any better.
The supreme food of Thanksgiving is mashed potatoes. They go well with every other Thanksgiving food, so if mashed potatoes get onto any of the other food, it still tastes good. Another bonus of mashed potatoes is that virtually anyone can make them without ruining them. No matter which member of my family hosts Thanksgiving, the mashed potatoes are always perfect.
I won’t be home to have my usual Thanksgiving dinner with my extended family this year because I’ll be in New York, so I’m hoping my immediate family will at least get one of my favorite foods for dinner. Last year I missed my family’s Thanksgiving dinner because I was in California, and we had burritos instead of the traditional foods. Even though I am very grateful to be able to travel to new places, I really missed seeing my family and all of the traditions of Thanksgiving, so I’m sad I’ll be missing it again. Hopefully next year I can stay home for Thanksgiving and eat lots of mashed potatoes.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your opinion of cranberry sauce. The first time I tried it was at a “friendsgiving” party a couple years ago, and I did not enjoy the experience. Since neither of my parents like it, my family does not serve it at Thanksgiving at all.
