Monday, November 25, 2019

Why Can't Thanksgiving Be A Week Earlier?

In my family, Thanksgiving has never been a decision of whose house we should go to-- which grandparents we choose that year and dealing with the side comments from the other ones. We have always gone to my mom’s parents’ house because I only have cousins on that side. My dad being an only child with divorced parents makes it… let’s just say difficult. Spending the holiday with my mom’s side is the tradition, I can’t remember a year where we’ve gone anywhere else. Don’t get me wrong, I am fully invested in the spirit of Thanksgiving and the entire premise: giving thanks for all of our blessings. But can’t it just be one week earlier? I love the Christmas season more than anything, and I would love for it to be even just a couple days longer. Last year Thanksgiving was on the 22nd and now the 28th? That is six days of pure Christmas joy lost, completely thrown away. 

Even worse, I am a believer of no things Christmas before Thanksgiving; I physically cannot listen to Christmas music or watch Christmas movies until the drive home on Thanksgiving day. For some reason, it is simply not the same. In my opinion, we need to give Thanksgiving the credit and appreciation it deserves. And naturally, my best friend is the absolute opposite, she hates Thanksgiving with a burning passion and thinks it is a waste of time. So I spend most of my preparation for one of my favorite holidays avoiding her Christmas cheer. However, the Christmas season is simply too short-lived. One month from today is Christmas, and Thanksgiving is in three days-- come on, America, let’s push our wonderful Thanksgiving up a bit.

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