Monday, November 25, 2019

Stephan 3: Being on Time

This morning while I was sitting in my car, I was left with lots of time to think, as my brother was late yet again. Most days I find myself waiting for him. Although it may be a small annoyance to deal with day to day, it is a much bigger issue than it seems. In this situation, it may not have a huge effect on anything, but the habit still remains. 

One of the most important skills that a person can have in life is being on time. A poor sense of time can cause you to constantly rush and create issues in the long run. It may not seem like a minute here or there makes much of a difference, but it really can make a major difference. First off it creates a great first impression. People will see you as a dependable and reliable person that they can trust. 

The next thing that it shows is that you actually care about something. Think about the message you are sending when you fail to show up on time. If you want to show that you are invested in something or care about someone, it should be your top priority. In the end, people really appreciate it when you make an effort. The final thing that being on time does is it reduces stress. One of the most stressful things, at least for me, is being short on time or running late. I can’t count how many times running late has wrecked my thought process, preventing me from getting anything done. I’ve learned that it is so much better to give yourself time, leading to a worry-free drive.

Image result for clock


  1. I actually once wrote a blog post on this very topic. In it, I link to a John Green video on the subject that I think you might find interesting.

  2. I have 3 younger siblings and I can relate completely with this. Coordinating several people to do anything can be an impossible task.
