Sunday, November 24, 2019

Renee, 3, Motivation

This past month I have been struggling to find the motivation to keep up with my school work. I always manage to get it done, but it is not done as well as I know I'm capable of. With my demanding part-time job, as well as wanting to see my friends in my free time, I put myself in the horrible situation of doing homework or studying last minute.

The reasons as to why I'm not getting anything done are definitely fixable, but I don't have the energy to try to fix them. Recently, I have been so content with my social life, that that is all I focus on. In a way, this is a positive as it is making a great impact on my mental health, but I know that in the long run, my grades will matter and I need to learn to balance both. It stresses me out internally, yet I do nothing about it!

I do have a valid excuse, for the most part, I am not just a horrible student. I was sick this past week and missed a few assessments, but when I find the motivation to study and feel prepared to make up the work, I get hit with a family or work issue. Maybe the world wants me to have bad grades for a little while (just kidding, I think).

Yes, I do know all these things are issues. Yes, I know how I could fix them, but for some reason, I just won't go through with it. If anyone has any tips on how to get out of this procrastination funk, it would be greatly appreciated. Yes, I've tried coffee and no, it hasn't worked.

Image result for procrastination"


  1. I understand where you're coming from. This happened to me last year and I sadly couldn't get a handle on it before the year ended. This year with soccer my life got a little hectic, but the advice I can give you that helped me balance school, soccer, and a social life is to try and fall into a routine. If you know your shifts are going to be a certain time then make room for that in your schedule, and leave time for friends, but also designate certain period of time for school. I used to give myself more time than I actually needed and if I got it done before that time was up I felt super accomplished.

  2. I'm going through the same thing right now. I think that as the holidays start to come around, people tend to lose their motivation to do things that they would normally do. As long as you're getting your work done on time and your grades are decent,I would say that you should take this period of the holidays to mainly focus on your social life, work, and family. After the holidays are over, your mental health should be refreshed from the break you're giving yourself. Don't worry too much about it now because it will only stress you out. You'll be able to fix it :)

  3. I know exactly how you feel! Trying to balance a job, schoolwork, family, and friends is honestly exhausting. I think the worst feeling though is knowing you can fix it, knowing how to fix it, and still finding yourself unable to do anything about it. That's the part I really struggle with. I've found that looking at things in small sections has helped me a lot. Instead of thinking "Oh this weekend I have to study for a test in this class, a quiz in that class, plus notes and other assignments..." I think about each assignment individually. "If I study for this test now, I won't be worried about it when I'm at work later. Then when I get home, I can relax for a little before I start my next assignment." It makes it so much less overwhelming to think of things as individual assignments instead of "all this homework I have to do."

  4. I know the feeling. I haven't felt motivated to do anything in years. Usually I just get stuff done because I don't want to deal with them so I can just sleep in peace. It really isn't healthy, but it works for now. I feel like we all need to stop worrying about school and work and actually figure out what we really want to do with ourselves, and now what we have to do.

  5. I can see exactly from where you are coming from. I often prioritize doing things I want to do such as going out over school work. The issue arises when I then have to actually get work done, I just don’t have any motivation, or time, to do it. This is something I definitely want to work on.
