Sunday, November 24, 2019

Liz 2: A New Beginning

There was a good chunk of time in the beginning of the school year where I missed a lot of school. I was going through a lot in my own life, and the stress of that and school work ending up making me constantly sick. I was really behind on my school work, and it got to the point where I was never doing homework for the following day, instead, I was trying to catch up. It was a constant cycle I couldn’t break out of. I spent weekend after weekend trying to do the mountain of homework I had, while still trying to balance my job and my social life as well. It was honestly really stressful and hard, but I was determined to get out of it.

At the end of quarter one, I told myself that I was gonna be on top of things for the upcoming quarter, and I actually was! I was doing my homework on time, my grades improved drastically and it helped me feel more in control of my life. Now you’re probably thinking, “Liz, what do you mean you feel on top of things? This blog post is almost a week late!” I know. This week I fell behind again, due to a new work schedule and some weird cold-allergy thing I’ve been dealing with. It sucks because I was really proud of myself for getting all my work done on time. But, I’m not going to let it get to me, and I’m determined to get back on track.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're getting back on track! I know how it feels to get behind and feel helpless in regards of how to fix that issue when life is taking its toll. I felt that recently this week.
