Monday, November 25, 2019

Julie 3 - Navy vs. SMU

 Over the weekend, I went to Annapolis, Maryland with my girl scout troop. The purpose of this trip was to participate in the Scout Day offered at the Navy versus SMU football game. Even though I don’t enjoy watching football, I had a great time spending my weekend with my girl scout troop.

 After driving for four hours in a cramped car, we finally arrived at Elks Camp Barrett. This was the camp that most scouts stayed at over the weekend. Due to the scouts arriving late in the afternoon, the camp offered a small snack. The food mainly consisted of junk food, but the drink they offered was, to say the least, interesting. This was the only thing I took and was very surprised by it. It was a bright red substance that had the flavor of cherry cough medicine. It almost had the same consistency as cough medicine but was not as thick. To put it bluntly, it was disgusting. I understand that some people like the drink, but I don’t understand how.

 The next morning we woke up super early to go to the Naval Academy for a tour. I have already toured West Point and was excited to tour another military college. I enjoyed the tour and after talking to the Plede who ran it I decided to apply to the Naval Academy. One of the more interesting things I learned during the tour was that there is an entire underground network of tunnels, so you don’t have to trudge through the snow to get to class. I also learned that, like West Point, you are required to take engineering classes and will graduate with an engineering degree.

 A few hours after the tour, we went to the stadium. It was just above freezing, and everyone was wearing winter gear. Even though it was freezing I still had the ability to doze off while waiting for the game to start. I knew that I was tired, but I never imagined that I would fall asleep waiting for a football game to start while freezing my butt off. Now, I believe it to be my special power to be able to fall asleep anywhere.

 Once the opening ceremonies started, I was fully awake (or at least as much as I could have been). The entire Naval Academy Midshipman Brigade marched onto the field. There were a total of 30 companies covering the field. It was an amazing experience and I can almost imagine myself amongst them. The best part was the school spirit and traditions they followed. After every touchdown and won field goal, part of the brigade would run into the area surrounding the end zone and do push-ups in full formal military garb.

 At the end of the very close game, the Navy Midshipman won the game against SMU. Even though I can barely tell you what happened during the game, the entire weekend was full of interesting experiences and opened new opportunities for me.

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