Monday, November 25, 2019

Liz 3: Finally baking again!

With the holidays coming up, I decided I was going to make a dessert to bring to my family’s thanksgiving. I love baking, and it has been a long time since I’ve done it so I’m super excited!

I decided to make a recipe created by a baker that I love and follow on Instagram. His account is called The Scran Line, and the baker, Nick, is from Australia and he’s a super awesome member of the LGBT+ community. Some of his cakes and cupcakes are so over the top that I never imagined I would be able to make them. However, I’m going to try. I chose a simpler recipe, and I’m going to modify it slightly to make them…..not so over the top. I’ll be making Nutella and peanut butter cupcakes. They’re a chocolate banana cake with a Nutella core and peanut butter frosting. I think chocolate, peanut butter, and banana are some of the best flavors to combine, so I can only imagine how good these cupcakes will taste. However, I’m not a huge fan of Nutella, so a glob of it in the middle of my cupcakes doesn’t sound super appealing to me. I will not be including the Nutella in my adaptation of the recipe. I’m going to be making the cupcakes Tuesday and Wednesday after school, so I’ll definitely post an update with a picture of how they turn out.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like an amazing recipe. I wish you luck and hope they turn out well for you. I also love recipes from Nick. One of my favorite that I have tried was his Not Tiramisu cupcake. I made it for my sister's birthday and it took so long to get it even close to how he had it.
