Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Adria 8: Chem or learning to drive stick: What’s harder?

I think we can all agree that sometimes some things in life seem utterly impossible. Being in high school, we are challenged every single day. And the things that come challenging to us change drastically as we get older-- I remember I used to think to learn how to read and write and ride a bike and even learn to walk were the hardest things I would ever have to do. But little we know, it gets so much more challenging. I say challenging because yes, life is hard, but rather than giving life, this miraculous privilege, such a negative connotation, it is better to give it a much more fitting one. However, when we are asked to challenge ourselves the goal is usually for us to come out better and more experienced in general. 
Way before I even turned 16, I was completely aware of my driving situation. My parents were very adamant that I learn to drive manual transmission for what seemed like a plethora of reasons, but when it boiled down to it, they only wanted to challenge me. The closest thing I can compare this learning process to is chemistry, which is quite literally the most challenging class I have ever been forced to take in school. It took practice. Along with determination, focus, patience, and willingness to learn, of course. 
By learning to drive my car, I have just now started to understand why my parents haven’t been willing to change their minds on the car I drive. I have literally felt a change in my motivation applying to just about everything. At first, I was reluctant and frustrated with my situation-- I got jealous of people who didn’t have to do what I did. But with every little stall and lurch and slam of my brakes, I felt myself get stronger. I have a new-found respect for myself and an understanding of my potential. This is exactly why my parents did nothing but say “you will learn” when I complained and was ready to give up. Because they saw this changing me for the better in a way that I could not yet see. 

All of that being said, this frustrating learning and sudden clicking and growth process can be applied to almost anything that resembles a challenge in your eyes. Whatever it may be, I assure you, every trouble or obstacle life throws at you you can 100% overcome. So, can you relate to my situation in any way? 


  1. I can definitely relate to the chemistry aspect of it being the worst class I have ever taken. However,I have never had to drive stick. driving ,manual is hard enough, I can only imagine what that is like. I've heard the horror stories. I am diffidently intrigued by your parents strategy to make you learn driving the hard way to ensure you can take on anything. That is both insane and genius. I might try that out.

  2. I love this! My dad wanted me to learn stick, but I was super against it. I knew it would be difficult, and probably beneficial in the long run, but the thought of trying to drive stick was just too stressful for me. I definitely get where your parents are coming from, and Connor is right, it's genius! To answer your question though: chem. I haven't even attempted to learn how to drive a manual shift and I know that chemistry is most likely harder to learn.
