Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ryan 8: This Time of Year is the Worst

This time of the year is the worst. It's winter with no Christmas, there's rain but no snow and it's too cold to go outside. I cannot wait for spring and the short sleeve weather. I always hated this time of the year, in between new years and spring is just miserable.

I have always dreaded January and February, they are by far my two least favorite months. It just seems like nothing is happening and its the long stretch in school. My mood is definitely at it's lowest now with the bad weather. It's in between snow storms and nice sunny days so you end up with average bland weather that gets boring. This explains the term seasonal depression, it completely makes sense to me that the time of year can affect your mood.

At this point i'm just looking forward to spring. There is something about walking outside to beautiful weather and fresh spring air that just lifts my emotions immediately. Summer is one of my favorite seasons and spring feels like a glimpse or preview to it which excites me. Lately we just keep getting bad weather, it feels like spring is no where near. Even though the groundhog predicted an early spring.

Overall, i'm just not satisfied, but I know this mood is just seasonal so it's going to be alright. When spring is here the rest of the year will fly by which is reassuring. Especially this far into school we need the sign that summer is near. Which for me is that fresh spring air. What is your least favorite time of year?


  1. I completely agree, although I normally really enjoy winter since it's my favorite season. This winter though has been awful because there is no point in having winter if there isn't going to be any snow or snow days. I'm also definitely feeling the seasonal depression because that always seems to happen to everyone I know where everyone is down for seemingly no reason besides that it's gloomy outside.

  2. I agree Ryan. I tend to be positive about the future as well but after these last two months I have a feeling march is going to be worse. The seasonal depression term has definitely been a mood lately.
