Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Liz 8: Should I find a new job?

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about whether I should keep my current job or if I should begin looking for another one. I currently work as a hostess/cashier/busser at Diner 248. There’s a lot of things that I love about my job, but I’m starting to wonder if it’s causing more harm than good. The problem is, would I even be able to find a job that I enjoy and that fits my needs?

Like I said, there’s a lot of things about my job that I love. I get along with most of my coworkers, and I know they’d all be there for me if I need it. My managers are super chill and nice and are also good at their job (well….minus one of them). I’m also pretty good at my job; my managers trust me to handle myself and my other coworkers if/when needed. I get relatively good hours (about 4 shifts a week, equaling between 20-30 hours). Most importantly, I want to work as a restaurant chef; working at the Diner gives me a chance to get experience before I go to school. However, with all that said, I’ve noticed a lot of rising issues that are making me consider leaving.

We’ve been having a huge turnover recently. Over the holidays, we were slightly understaffed, but they wouldn’t hire anyone, so we got through it and everything was fine. Now, we keep hiring new people, and it seems like a lot of them are struggling to grasp the work they need to do. Recently, I’ve had to do more during my shifts because the new hires just aren’t getting it. Also, because of the new hires, I’m down to three shifts a week, even though my manager and I agreed to four or five. I only make $8/hour, so with fewer shifts, I’ve really been struggling to get the money I need. Not only that but for some reason customers have been so rude recently. At least once a week I get screamed at by customers who think a 40 minute wait is ridiculous or don’t understand why I won’t seat them until their whole party is in the restaurant. But like I said, the shifts I am working have been super stressful, and I’m realizing my scheduling manager doesn’t really get that I’m struggling financially. She expects me to help her whenever she needs it but won't help me out. Also, there’s no chance I’ll ever get a raise, no matter how long I work there. To be completely honest, I can’t find the motivation to stay.

I was already planning on getting a second job over the summer, and I’m starting to wonder if this second job will be my first choice once the school year starts up again. The work is causing me too much stress, and I feel that the pay isn’t enough to get me through financially. I guess we’ll see what happens.

Image result for Diner 248


  1. If you need the pay and the scheduling issue doesn't get better then you should definitely get another job. If that one is better than Diner 248 then your good. Maybe the new workers need more time to get better at their job. Either way good luck.

  2. I absolutely can´t stand when new employees have no idea what they are doing. It makes everything so much harder than it needs to be. I like when the new people finally learn what they are doing and you do not need to babysit them anymore. Personally, I think quitting is a bad idea. I too have thought about quitting my job because it is too stressful, but every single job's going to be terrible at times, so it better to stick it out unless a clearly superior opportunity presents itself. Either way I,m sure you will make the right decision.
