Thursday, February 13, 2020

Emma 8: Valentine's Day Traditions

Every year for as long as I can remember, my mom has gotten my sisters and I valentines. She usually gets us baskets filled with heart-shaped candy and other little gifts that are red, pink, and white. I’ve always appreciated this and thought it was cute, and I’ve recently noticed that a lot of other parents do this for their kids. However, most of the people that get gifts from their parents or friends on Valentine’s Day don’t seem to appreciate it as much as gifts from their boyfriend/girlfriend. It’s a wide misconception that your valentine can only be your boyfriend/girlfriend. I think that more people have to realize that Valentine’s Day is about more than just the love you feel for a partner, but rather the platonic love that you share for everyone in your life. 
Just as you would value Christmas or birthday gifts from your friends and family as much as a gift from your significant other, it should be the same with Valentine’s Day. As I’ve gotten older, I hear so many more complaints that “I’m going to be alone for Valentine’s Day” or “I wish I had a boyfriend/girlfriend to buy things for”. I think this is in part because of the stigma that surrounds Valentine’s Day on social media. Almost all posts about gifts on this day are solely from partners. Yet, most people don’t seem to realize that they won’t actually be alone just because they are single. There are so many other people in our lives that we have love for and could show our appreciation to. Even if you’re not single, Valentine’s Day should be a day to cherish everyone in your life who is important to you. Do you plan on getting gifts for those who you have platonic love for? 
Image result for valentines day donuts

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