Thursday, February 13, 2020

Stephan 8: Looking Into the Future

This week, I decided to head over to the weekly blogging challenge for some inspiration for my blog this week and I decided to use the quote by Thomas Carlyle in which he said, “Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you’ll be able to see further”. Upon reading at first, it seems like a relatively simple idea. Just push yourself as hard as you, and it will allow you to further. Upon a closer look, it really is an idea that we can apply to any part of our lives.

This mindset can be applied to anything in life from hobbies to relationships and education. By “going as far as you can see” you set goals for improvements you want to make in these many areas of your life. This will allow you to improve your knowledge and skills, as well as making yourself a better person.

The next part of the quote brings up a great idea, in that this process never ends. As you continue to set goals and see further, and becomes an endless cycle in which you better yourself, as long as you adhere to the idea. If not, you won’t go as far as you can if you set new boundaries. For this reason, it is important to set goals for yourself and try to reach them. In the end, it will help you a great deal. Have you ever tried this method of setting goals, and if so, did it work well for you?
Image result for Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you’ll be able to see further

1 comment:

  1. Setting goals is one of the most important parts of planning your future. For me I set super long term goals, then goals that lead up to this super goal. Sometimes I never reach the super goals or I can't reach the super goal until 40 years in the future. No matter what, once I reach a goal I am able to "see further" and know that eventually I will be able to meet my super goals or at least my revise super goals.
