Friday, February 14, 2020

Sydney Week #8 Dance Competition

So this past Saturday I had my first dance competition of the season. Since I’ve been doing these competitions for so long I wasn’t really nervous like most of the younger girls but I wasn’t very excited like the seniors since I was their last first dance competition as they called it.

When we pulled up to the competition and started so set up camp I got the usual dread of having to get ready to go on stage (even though I wasn’t actually performing for a few hours since we need to be there early). It wasn’t that I didn’t like getting on stage but rather I dreaded just getting ready with the hair, hairspray, makeup, costume, it’s just always so much work.

Since I still had a lot of free time I decided to go and watch some of the other dances that were competing. I immediately remembered why I still loved these dance competitions. Being able to see amazing dancers pour their heart out on stage is always an amazing and beautiful thing to watch. Even though some of the concepts didn’t make much sense it is still so fun to watch these dancers do everything they can to make the dance the best it can be.

Watching these other dancers made me remember how much I love performing and how much I love to be able to try my best to make my dances great. Finally I got the chance to go out and perform my dance and although it was not as great as I was hoping it was still a very fun and exciting experience. What’s something that you enjoy doing but only once you start doing it?

Image result for stage


  1. I feel the same about prepping for big events. For field hockey, I always hate the prep, especially putting on my gear. Everything has to be put on and adjusted from the use of the pervious practices. Yet the moment I step on the court I forget about how I felt while putting my gear on and only worry about what's happening on the field, and I start to enjoy myself. I hope you did well at your competition and good luck on your next one.

  2. I really don't enjoy marching band until we are on the bus to a competition. Before then I am a mess, exhausted after practice, running around and dealing with the trailer and making sure everything will run smoothly for the rest of the day.

  3. I am totally with you on dreading stage makeup! I always put off doing my hair for recital because it's impossible to be comfortable with a tight ballerina bun and 10 pounds of hairspray.
    Sometimes I dread going out to busy places because I'm super introverted so it can be mentally draining but I'm always happy when I do!
