Thursday, February 13, 2020

Alanna 8; My Transition to being an Only Child

Recently, my sister, Sabrina, just got accepted into Boston University. When we went to visit campus over summer she absolutely loved it, but I was not too worried because her first choice of University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. If you knew my sister like some of you might, she is very dependent on other people and… what's the word for it… lacking common sense. My whole family was banking on her getting accepted into UPENN because we were quite scared she cannot survive 5 hours away alone. Nonetheless, she got deferred from UPENN and accepted into BU, so she will most likely be going there.

I am super scared that when she leaves I will miss her way more than I expected and it will be horrible, but I am trying to be optimistic. Boston is very far away (for me) and it will be hard to visit her or for her to come home. I have never lived as an only child because when my older sister, Heidi, left for college I still had Sabrina. Now that she will be gone, I will be left alone in this house with my mom, which will be very interesting. Thankfully, my mom is allowing me to travel to Boston frequently to visit Sabrina because she knows it is one of the safer cities.

Another one of my many fears is that she will get there and miss her family extremely. She has always been very dependent on my mom and dad for everything and has not had much experience by herself. Not to bash her or anything, but in our relationship, I feel like the older sister. I do a lot for her, lively, whereas she does a lot for me academically. She helps me out with school, being the genius she is, and I help her with things like, how to make grilled cheese:).
Moral of the story, I am most likely overreacting and she will be fine, but stifling this all off of my fear of actually missing her. Although we joked 24/7 about our eagerness to leave each other, now that it is here we are being COMPLETE wusses about it.

Have you ever had a sibling leave for college or sorts and experience these circumstances?


  1. This is so sweet, and I completely understand. I am on the other side however, because I will be the first one to leave. Sometimes my mom will tell me how my sister is so scared for me to leave, because we do everything together. My brother, on the other hand, will miss me but not in the same way as my sister. I honestly feel for people with younger siblings- I could not imagine my brother or sister leaving me for four years with only periodic visits. It was so cool to hear the perspective of a younger sibling, so thank you!

  2. Don't worry, siblings leaving is always difficult at first but as she adjusts and gets used to living on her own things get a lot better. Your sister seem similar to mine because we were all very worried for her when she left for Hawaii (so we wouldn't even be able to visit or talk to her much) but once she got comfortable and made some new friends she was able to settle in and get used to being on her own, so I'm sure you're sister will do the same and do very well at college :).
