Thursday, February 13, 2020

Julie 8 - Upcoming Camping Trip

This coming weekend I am going camping with my Girl Scout troop. It has been a year since I joined this troop and I am still learning about the girls in the troop. One major thing to note is that a majority of the troop is in seventh grade barring one girl who is in tenth. This makes me the oldest member. Due to the seniority I possess, the leaders asked if I could plan this upcoming trip with the tenth grader, further referred to as Kayla.

Kayla and I were iffy on the idea but decided that it would an interesting experience. And an interesting experience it has been. We faced some difficulties along the way which is sort of funny because we are planning a three-day camping trip that is in a cabin due to the weather being colder than expected.

The biggest thing that was a problem was planning the meals. Most of the seventh graders are super picky eaters. I understand that some people don’t like some foods, but the amount of food that each of these people doesn’t like is ungodly high. I never had many dislikes when it comes to food, so I find it troublesome that these girls have so many. An added issue is that we planned this trip around the Cadettes New Cuisines badge which has requirements about different dishes to be made.

One of these requirements is to make a dish from a different region of the US. Kayla and I  decided that we would make apple crisp from the western region. We thought that the girls would like it because it is a desert but many of the girls complained about it. We then came to the conclusion that if they don’t want it they won’t have to eat it and we won’t have any substitutions. This was a conclusion we then made with most of the food options and activities because we did try and accommodate as many people as we could.

Overall, I enjoyed planning the trip with Kayla and learned a lot about planning small trips. Though I did not enjoy how the girls were being so picky with everything due to the fact that we were planning the trip and not them. I learned some important things about each of the girls and can’t wait to get to know them better over the weekend. Yet I am skeptical about spending three days with eleven seventh graders, one tenth grader, and two adults.

What food are you picky about?


  1. Are you going to Mosey Wood and staying at Blueberry Hill?? We did many winter camping weekends there in my scout days :)

  2. Being the oldest in groups definitely comes with a mixture of benefits and cons. I'm the oldest of my very picky sisters, so I can relate to struggles of trying to find food that everyone likes. I am not a picky eater, but I cannot stand mustard or soy sauce. That sounds like fun to be able to go camping for the weekend though.
